Comments on: UNDERSTANDING LUFFING BEFORE THE START Sail with confidence! Tue, 15 Sep 2020 05:24:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tue, 15 Sep 2020 05:24:02 +0000 In reply to

While I might sympathize with the windward boat’s predicament, this is the point of the article. I would call being in this situation a rookie mistake. If you are approaching the starboard end of the start line without a path available to match a leeward boat’s luff then you’d best plan for a two-turns penalty after you wiggle free of the trap you’ve set for yourself… Failure to respond and keep clear of the leeward boat is a violation, unless the luff comes so late that responding would cause a collision with the RC boat, which violates Rule 16.1
This defence is available to larger, less nimble boats, but harder to claim in a small dinghy or skiff. You have no right to room at a starting mark (though you can luff a windward boat to squeeze around the pin)

By: Tue, 15 Sep 2020 05:24:02 +0000 In reply to

While I might sympathize with the windward boat’s predicament, this is the point of the article. I would call being in this situation a rookie mistake. If you are approaching the starboard end of the start line without a path available to match a leeward boat’s luff then you’d best plan for a two-turns penalty after you wiggle free of the trap you’ve set for yourself… Failure to respond and keep clear of the leeward boat is a violation, unless the luff comes so late that responding would cause a collision with the RC boat, which violates Rule 16.1
This defence is available to larger, less nimble boats, but harder to claim in a small dinghy or skiff. You have no right to room at a starting mark (though you can luff a windward boat to squeeze around the pin)

By: Mon, 07 Sep 2020 12:16:24 +0000 Keep this up – it is good to share with crew et al !!!

By: Mon, 07 Sep 2020 12:16:24 +0000 Keep this up – it is good to share with crew et al !!!

By: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 20:07:09 +0000 What if the windward boat is at the RC end in this case? Some call this bargin, but that windward boat has not room to keep clear Is he/she obliged to luff up? What about Rule 2 (Fair Sailing) and avoiding collision and Rule 14 (Avoiding contact)? Seems to me that the leward boat should quit being a jerk and NOT create contact….while perhaps just quieting down and head to wind….this is right at the line with 5 seconds to go and he’d be over anyway if he kept weigh on. Any comments?

By: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 20:07:09 +0000 What if the windward boat is at the RC end in this case? Some call this bargin, but that windward boat has not room to keep clear Is he/she obliged to luff up? What about Rule 2 (Fair Sailing) and avoiding collision and Rule 14 (Avoiding contact)? Seems to me that the leward boat should quit being a jerk and NOT create contact….while perhaps just quieting down and head to wind….this is right at the line with 5 seconds to go and he’d be over anyway if he kept weigh on. Any comments?
