Seahorse Magazine is renown for its coverage of high-end sailboat racing and often includes articles focusing on and explaining the various technologies that support the leading edge of our sport. Recently, the editors of Seahorse worked with UK Sailmakers on a just-published article that explains some of the latest technology behind today’s latest and most innovative sails and UK’s ability to apply those tools for the benefit of sailors.

As the article explains, when it comes to designing and manufacturing sails, it’s much more than the just having high-tech design tools at your disposal; it’s knowing how to use them. One of the most important tools, and one that requires a curated blend of technological skill and sailmaking artistry, is BSG’s SailPack FSI. According to BSG’s software Development Manager Laurent Guillaume, UK Sailmakers’ Lead Designer Pat Considine “is one of the few who really know how to make the FSI product sing!”

Click on the link below to read a full-length article in Seahorse Magazine that provides an insiders look at FSI, how Pat uses it, and how it has benefited UK Sailmakers’ customers around the world. Click here to read the whole SEAHORSE article.

Articles: 366

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