UK Sailmakers just posted an animated rules quiz that deal with rules 18.3, 17, 16.1 and 13. This quiz is an example of how UK Sailmakers will be reviving our popular Rules Program that was sold in the past for $55. We all be updating those 42 quizzes and posting them for free to the UK Sailmakers website. As you’ll see in this quiz, we not only post the correct answer to the situation, but we include the text of any rule mentioned and offer tactical advice on how to avoid getting in the situation in the first place. Expect more that simple “yes” and “no” answers. Here is a direct link the quizzes on the UK Sailmakers site:

Make sure to check back each week as we will keep adding quizzes and test questions.

Instead of charging as we did in the past, we are posting the test questions and animated quizzes at no charge in exchange for your email address and your agreement to receive the UK Sailmakers monthly online newsletter. Know that UK Sailmakers respects your privacy and we do not share or sell our mailing list to any other group or company. Those who sign up will not get spam, only newsletters from UK Sailmakers.

Articles: 366

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